Sunday, November 23, 2008


Within the trees of my soul a lost man wanders...lost but not afraid. Despite the bumps, bruises and broken bones I am enjoying the scenery. The wanderlust has slowed down and the time has come to rest. A need for peace...

I long to find contentment - to be fulfilled and happy. To no longer bear the wound of living but bear the joy of being alive. The gift of life.

What a gift life is. To be able to drink in the sweet nectar of love and drown in the warm sunshine of life. To be able to give and receive. I am so tired of giving. I'm so tired of treading the deep waters of life.

I now want to be set upon the water. To set sail or fly or better yet, to gallop in the openness and run with a song on my heart.

I must find joy and peace. I must find it within me and live within it and become one.

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