Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'm feeling very uninpsired this week. I'm having a hard time getting back on track.


Here's a list of Grace in Small Things.

1. One of my favourite times during the day is just before I go to bed and I stop by my children's beds and watch them sleep. It's pure peace and beauty.

2. I now have a garage to park my car in. I LOVE not having to clean my car off each morning in the winter!

3. My partner hugs me everyday. He is the best hugger I know.

4. Coming home and seeing my children at the end of a long day warms me to my toes!

5. Being outside on a warm summer day heals my soul.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hello Blog! I don't know if you remember me, but let me take the time to re-introduce myself. I'm that cute, but not overly confident writer. You know. The one who thoughtfully strokes the keys to create the orgasmic words that make up our mind blowing notes. Obviously we were close. I hope we can get reacquainted. I've had some distractions but I'm back and ready to stroke the keys and make beautiful stories together again. If you'll have me?

Over the top? Maybe.


I brought home my new Triathlon bike and it was like bringing home a baby from the hospital. Really. OK, so maybe it's a slight stretch but anyone who has dreamed and planned for a new 'something' knows it's a big deal. And in my case I feel like I had been waiting and planning with anticipation for months! I've used it a few times but I still need pedals and shoes.(for those of you who don't ride road bikes or Triathlon bikes, we use a special clip pedal and shoe so your foot is directly attached to the bike)

A few weeks after the bike came home my significant other surprised me with a trip to Las Vegas and while we were there he proposed! So now I have a wedding to plan! I'm so pumped!


I'm also taking three classes. Two of the classes are self studies and one is a night class. I'm enjoying the classes but NOT the time it takes away from training and planning the wedding.

Remember that commitment to BALANCE. B-A-L-A-N-C-E?!?!?!?!?!?!

So. I've almost got the wedding planned as we are getting married in June. Once the details of that are finished I can focus on school and training.

I start the serious training for triathlon March 1. I have a coach and everything! And by that time I will be almost finished one class and half way through another.

Did I mention that I am also working full time and I'm the mother of three children?!


I love my life. Seriously. I love it. I'm enjoying the classes immensely and I am VERY happy about getting married. I need to move my body and I have the support of my partner to do all these things. Plus. Work does not feel like a job. I love being there. My kids are very supportive of my hectic schedule for the next 4 months and they are helping Mom out as much as they can. Plus, I think that we are spending more quality time together right now because we HAVE to. We make the time together count more.


I am forever learning how to be better at life and I am grateful for the lessons life teaches me. I'm busy but I'm only doing the important things in my life right now. I don't have room for fluff! I'm simply grateful that I CAN do all this stuff!